3DK Render WAX Guild – January 2023 Report

Categories WAX Block ProducerPosted on

Technical Operations

We have been able to see significant improvements in the performance of our nodes thanks to the updates and maintenance carried out during the last two months.

We have improved the optimization of access to our public APIs through a router that is responsible for filtering unwanted requests and abuse. This system is alleviating much of the burden that was previously carried out by the APIs themselves.

We continue to upgrade the Mainnet infrastructure to Leap 3.1.

We have been very pleased with the news of the change in the valuation of payments to guilds that are in stanby. The guilds that occupy the “hinge” positions between the top and standby have made investments similar to those of any member of the top and offer similar services. Perhaps the biggest difference is in the acceptance and use by the community of the products offered. For this reason we applaud the decision to adjust the payments proportionally and closer to the members of the top 21.

Product Development

Rada Quest Game

We managed to get the new deck setup and player-to-player PvP system live on testnet, we haven’t been able to launch it on mainnet yet, as planned. We continue our effort to meet deadlines or avoid excessive delays as much as possible. We continue to work on the PvP system.


We have launched a new CPU rental system for all members of the Rada Quest ecosystem. Users can rent CPUs using the game’s main token, Soul Crystal, as payment. With this measure we hope that the value of the token will be further strengthened.

Rent CPU

We have opened new liquidity pools in Taco. Likewise, we have created daily rewards for those who contribute liquidity of Soul Crystal. Our goal with these measures is also to strengthen the value of the token and maintain a stable economy throughout the life cycle of the project.


Earlier this week we introduced our Rada Quest collection on the “WAX Collection Verification Tool” portal and received the first positive feedback within hours.


From DappRadar: dappradar

Rada Quest mention from Beng Beng Gaming https://twitter.com/bengbengp2e/status/1599039553171783680 bbg

For these festivities we collaborate with different projects with a great social impact.


Rada Quest (Youtube)

We have created a youtube channel to continue to expand Rada Quest’s social terrain and to have a window to share with our players: guides, AMA’s, broadcast snippets, mini-guides (shorts) and attract new users not only to Rada Quest but to the whole WAX gaming ecosystem.


New trailer /gameplay of the game can be seen at this link

We are also experimenting with shorts (short videos) which can be viewed in the channel profile.

We have had a good response from the community to this new social network, and we will continue to expand it.

Rada Quest is gonna be on the NFTopia metaverse convention for the masses onboarding you into web3/blockchain, new tech, art, and communities. ( Formerly Splinterlands DYGYCON)


Ecosystem Development

WAX Developer portal

We have participated with the translation of more content (Spanish/English) and the revision of some errors.


We are currently working on new documentation and more translations.

Participation in third-party projects

We have started a collaborative relationship with the company Onikame Games. Our role is to provide hardware support (Atomic API infra) and advice for their project “Siege of Mytra”, a game developed for mobile devices on the WAX blockchain.

https://siegeofmytra.com SiegeOfMytra

We found it very interesting to support this project because of the trust it offers us. In addition, they are implementing a login system with custodied user accounts, in the style of WAX Cloud Wallet, which allows new users to join the WAX ecosystem without the need for technical knowledge of blockchain.

Social Media

Continuing to support different wax ecosystem projects with high level of participation and engament in twitter.

3DK Render Community Manager Cristalla on Twitter

Cristalla Our twitter continues to feel a direct source of encounter with our users and we continue to grow in social impact, consolidating ourselves more and more every day.

Twitter Giveaways

YouTube Videos


Guest on Novopangea Twitch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2wWp6xtiWQ&t

Cristalla will start an interview section on her social networks for different projects, more to come.

Twitch channel

We are relaunching our Twitch channel with the intention of broadcasting programs regularly. Our first goal is to achieve affiliate status.



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