3Dk Render WAX Guild – May 2022 Report

Categories WAX Block ProducerPosted on

Technical Operations

We have completed the upgrade of our producer nodes (main and backups) to dedicated servers with the following features:

  • Intel i9-12900K
  • 128 GB RAM
  • Nodeos version 2.0.13

Hyperion Troubleshooting

During the month of May our Hyperion service has been subjected to an excess of requests which has caused block synchronisation delays of up to 15 minutes, especially between the 13th and 20th of May. After investigating the situation we found that many of the requests were poorly constructed and their sole purpose seemed to be to saturate the nodes with junk requests.

Our response has been to reconfigure the request filtering and improve the fail2ban service filters to reject bad actors.

Thanks to the actions taken our Hyperion service is back to normal.

Some statistics:

  • Average unique visitors in the last 15 days: 4200
  • Average number of requests per minute: 1650
  • Average number of requests per day: over 2 million
Request/Minute Hyperion


We continue to offer our infrastructure on Testnet:

Product Development

Rada Quest Game

During the month of May we conducted public tests on testnet (with the voluntary participation of players who volunteered to be beta-testers).

The basic resource production system consisting of buildings that require leveling up to increase production has successfully completed testing.

Collect resources

The new in-game shop section, which will allow players to buy the necessary assets without leaving the game, has also passed testing.

In-game Shop

We have a channel on our Discord server to coordinate playtesting.

Rada Testers

Our development team is currently working on the in-game card upgrade system which we plan to make available this June.

When the testing of the card upgrade system is finished, the next version of the game will be released on Mainnet (June-July).

In mainet, the published version continues to hold weekly mini-game championships and offer rewards for daily login and for possession of the NFTs from the Game Art presentation collection.

Weekly Tournament

We have started a collaboration with the CoinPirates project. Some limited sets of our Game Art collection are accepted in CoinPirates to generate in-game resources by staking NFTs.

Continuing with our roadmap, our team will continue with the addition of the Quest and PvP section to the game.


The new smart contract for Blenderizer (V2) is now available on testnet with several new features that were highly requested by the user community.

We are working on developing a new website so that users can enjoy all the new features we have included.

These are the usage statistics for the last months:

MonthNFT BurnedNFT MintedNew Blends CreatedCollectionsUnique UsersTotal Actions

WAX Arena

The new WAX Arena interface has been deployed on testnet for final testing. It is a fully refactored version that will fix multiple flaws in the previous version.

Our goal is to have the new site operational on the mainnet during June. Its release will be accompanied by multiple publicity campaigns so that it can regain the usage it had in the past.

new interface

FundingWAX – Discord bot

This May, a new developer has joined our team, Daniel Fernández. He is working on the development of FundingWAX, a bot to link users’ WAX accounts with Discord accounts.

Join our Discord and stay tuned to find out more about this exciting project.

Ecosystem Development

WAX Developer portal

We continue with the translation of the site documentation into Spanish.

In addition, we have started a series of technical articles on managing AtomicAssets NFTs from JavaScript.

Published: https://developer.wax.io/en/tutorials/howto_atomicassets/

  • Collection structure
  • Managing AA Collections
  • Managing AA Schemas
  • Managing AA Templates

In preparation:

  • Basic management of AA NFTs.
  • AA mutable data.
  • Backing assets.

Forthcoming series:

  • Managing AtomicAssets NFTs from smart contract.

3DK Render blog

During this last period we have been overwhelmed with work on our projects (very satisfactorily) and also due to other personal matters, our public activity has been reduced, as can be seen in the graph.


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