Guild Report – November 2021

Categories WAX Block ProducerPosted on

Technical Operations

In this month of November, our public service based on Hyperion has completed its synchronization and begins to offer service at full capacity. In the fight against spam and abuse, we are having problems with the adjustments of the ranges of requests per second. Currently, the server has configured a ratio of 30 maximum requests per second.

On November 15 our DNS provider (Nominalia) suffered a crash in its entire system. This made it impossible to access any of our services or websites except the production nodes. As soon as we were able to access the DNS management system, we migrated to a new provider. We have chosen Cloudflare because of its better rating by other professionals. While we set up the change some of our services suffered sporadic interruptions.

On November 28th our main producer node failed. Although we were able to quickly switch to one of our backup nodes we could not avoid losing 84 blocks during the process. The failure was caused by a hard drive problem. Throughout the day the node was repaired and put back into operation.

Product Development

On November 12 we released the beta of our game Rada Quest TCG. The release was accompanied by the sale of a set of NFT packs, as we announced in the previous guild report.

Drop sale:

Game site:

The sale of packs is done from Atomic Hub but the opening of the packs and the blending of shards is done in-game.

  • 1300 player accounts have been created to date.
  • Players can earn rewards as tokens by participating in the Gems minigame as well as the daily login event.
  • Game Art NFT holders (versions created by GrisVisa only) are receiving Soul Crystal tokens daily.
  • We have opened market in Alcor for the Soul Crystal token. Soon we will tokenize the rest of the game’s resources and open their respective markets.

Rada Quest TCG – NFT Market Volume

Community Engagement

We are in the first weeks of releasing the beta of our game so we have been focused on the attention to users and the resolution of problems and bugs that have arisen mainly from our Discord server.

At the same time, we have continued to collaborate with other community projects through our community manager Cristalla.

YouTube collaborations

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